Equatorial Piauí

Equatorial Piauí Board of Directors

The Board of Directors is Equatorial Piauí’s collegiate decision-making body, responsible for establishing its general business policies, including its long-term strategy. It is also responsible, among other attributions, for supervising the management of the Company’s officers. The decisions of the Board of Directors are taken by majority vote of the members present at the meeting. The meetings of the Board of Directors are held whenever necessary, when called by the Chairman of the Board of Directors, or by the majority of its members, the call may be waived if all Directors are present.

Equatorial Piauí’s Bylaws establish a minimum number of 3 members and a maximum of 9 members. The Directors are elected at the General Meeting of shareholders for a period of 3 years, reelection being permitted, and may be removed by the shareholders meeting at the General Meeting.

Pursuant to the Brazilian Corporate Law, the member of the Board of Directors is prohibited from voting at any meeting or from taking part in any transaction or business in which he or she has a conflict of interest with the Company.

Board of Directors

Augusto Miranda da Paz Jr. Board Member
Augusto Miranda da Paz Junior, Board Member – Mr. Miranda is Equatorial Maranhão CEO since April 2010. From 2007 to 2010 he was Vice President Officer of Operations and previously was Equatorial Maranhão Engineering Officer since July 2004. Mr.Miranda is an experienced executive with over 20 years in the energy sector. Before joining Equatorial Maranhão, Mr. Miranda has held several positions in the areas of Electric System Maintenance Management in COELBA being also representative of COELBA next to CCON. Mr. Miranda is an electrical engineer graduated from Federal University of Bahia, specializing in Maintenance Management promoted by Eletrobras alongside PUC/RJ and the Escola Federal de Engenharia de Itajubá/MG and MBA in Energy Business Management from FGV/SP.
Leonardo da Silva Lucas Tavares de Lima Board Member
Leonardo da Silva Lucas Tavares de Lima, Executive Officer – Mr. Tavares de Lima was Equatorial Pará Chief Financial Officer (CFO) since November, 2012, until November, 2016. Before that, he was Equatorial Maranhão CFO as from April, 2011 and October, 2012, having been Equatorial Maranhão Head Controller. He is working within Equatorial Group since 2005. Before joining Equatorial Maranhão, Leonardo worked at Telemar Norte Leste, ABN Amro, URB – Empresa de Urbanização de Recife and at Shell Brasil. Graduated at Civil Engineering by Universidade de Pernambuco, postgraduate at Production Management and MBA in Electric Energy Business Management, by FGV (Fundação Getúlio Vargas).
Marcos Antônio Souza de Almeida  Board Member
Mr Marcos Antônio Souza de Almeida is an executive with more than 42 years of experience in the electricity sector. In his professional career, he held various management positions in the commercial, administrative, customer experience and reduction of electrical energy losses. He joined the Equatorial group in 2008 as Commercial Director of Equatorial Maranhão, later serving as Vice President and Corporate Director of Commercial Operations from 2017 until 2022 he was Commercial Director and President Director of Equatorial Pará From October 2022 he joined the Board of Equatorial Energia Mr Marcos has a Master’s degree in Energy Industry Regulation from the Salvador Unifacs University and an Accountant from the State University of Feira de Santana UEFS .
Adjair Vieira Barbosa Board Member
In Construction…

Diretoria Executiva da Equatorial Piauí

The officers are the legal representatives of Equatorial Piauí, responsible mainly for the daily administration of the Company and for the implementation of the general policies and guidelines established by the Board of Directors.

According to the Brazilian Corporate Law, each member of the Executive Board must be resident in Brazil, and may or may not be a shareholder. In addition, up to a maximum of one third of the positions on the Board of Directors may be filled by members of the Executive Board.

Equatorial Piauí’s Bylaws establish that the Board of Executive Officers will be composed of at least 2 members, 1 Chief Executive Officer and the others will not have a specific designation, all with a term of office of 3 years, reelection being permitted.

Equatorial Piauí Executive Board


Lener Jayme Chief Executive Officer
Mr. Jayme holds a degree in Electrical Engineering from Instituto Nacional de Telecomunicações – INATEL with an MBA in Project Management and Management from George Whashington University. He has spent 33 years dedicated to managing public service concessionaires in the telecommunications and energy segments. During his professional trajectory, he has served as Director of Networks, Operations and Infrastructure in the telecommunications industry for over 15 years, in addition to having served as President of other companies in the distribution, generation and transmission sector in the country.
Leonardo Lucas Tavares de Lima Officer
Leonardo da Silva Lucas Tavares de Lima, Executive Officer – Mr. Tavares de Lima was Equatorial Pará Chief Financial Officer (CFO) since November, 2012, until November, 2016. Before that, he was Equatorial Maranhão CFO as from April, 2011 and October, 2012, having been Equatorial Maranhão Head Controller. He is working within Equatorial Group since 2005. Before joining Equatorial Maranhão, Leonardo worked at Telemar Norte Leste, ABN Amro, URB – Empresa de Urbanização de Recife and at Shell Brasil. Graduated at Civil Engineering by Universidade de Pernambuco, postgraduate at Production Management and MBA in Electric Energy Business Management, by FGV (Fundação Getúlio Vargas).
Cristiano de Lima Logrado Officer
Mr. Logrado, Mechanical Engineer, 48 years old, has been working in the Equatorial Energia group since Jan/2007 (15 years), having held the positions of Regulatory Affairs Manager at CEMAR (currently Equatorial Maranhão), Corporate Regulatory Affairs Manager, and Regulation Superintendent. The responsibilities, as superintendent, encompassed all the distributors of the group, the transmission segment and the new line of action in sanitation.
During 2006, he was technical advisor for Abraceel (Brazilian Association of Electric Energy Trading Agents). In the period Jul/2002 to Jan/2005 he worked in the Superintendence for Regulation of Electricity Commercialization – SRC of ANEEL.
Academic training began with a degree in Eng. Mechanics, followed by a master’s degree in Eng. Mechanics focusing on technical and economic analysis of generation systems based on gas turbines and combined cycles. Subsequently, there was a complementation in the form of a specialization course in the financial area (MBA in Financial Administration and Capital Markets – FGV Brasília), and more recently a new MBA (IDP, Brasília, conclusion in Jul/2022), now in the area of Data Science.
José Silva Sobral Neto Officer
José Silva Sobral Neto, Diretor – Bacharel em Direito, formado pela Universidade Federal do Maranhão, com especialização em Direito Tributário pela UNAMA, MBA pela FGV/RIO em Gestão de Negócios em Energia Elétrica e Pós-Graduando do MBA em Direito Tributário pela FGV/Isan. Iniciou sua vida profissional na advocacia corporativa no setor elétrico. Na Equatorial Maranhão desde 2005, foi Coordenador Jurídico e desde 2007 está à frente da Gerência Jurídica da Companhia, auxiliando no assessoramento jurídico da Equatorial Energia S.A. e outras empresas do grupo, como Equatorial Soluções S.A, Sol Energia e Geramar. A partir de 2013, também se tornou responsável pelas áreas tributária e societária na Gerência Jurídica da Equatorial Pará. Foi Vice-Presidente da Comissão de Sociedade de Advogados da OAB/MA. Atua, ainda, como Dirigente da Fundação de Previdência Complementar – FASCEMAR desde 2006, tendo atuado como Conselheiro Fiscal e Deliberativo. É certificado pelo ICSS – Instituto de Certificação de Profissionais de Seguridade Social.
Armando de Souza Nascimento Officer
Armando de Souza Nascimento, Board Member – Mr. Nascimento has a degree in Law from the Federal University of Maranhão since 2005 and an MBA in Electric Energy Business Management from FGV-RJ concluded in 2011. Since November 2012, Mr. Nascimento is Legal Manager at Equatorial Pará. Previously, he worked at Equatorial Maranhão from April 2006 to November 2012, and as of August 2008, Mr. Nascimento became the company’s Legal Executive. From May 2006 to June 2010 Mr. Nascimento worked at Souza & Veras Advocacia e Consultoria as a consulting attorney in the area of ​​Civil, Administrative and Environmental Law.
Joe Louis Tavares Morra  Officer
Em construção…

Last updated on May 17, 2024