
Equatorial Energia is managed by its Board of Directors and a Board of Executive Officers. According to the Novo Mercado Adhesion Agreement signed with the BM&FBovespa, Equatorial is subject to the rules relating to management laid down by the Novo Mercado regulations and the Adhesion Agreement.

Equatorial Energia’s Board of Directors

Equatorial Energia board of directors is responsible for establishing its long-term strategies and setting its general business policies and guidelines. It is also responsible for, among other matters, the supervision of the Company’s officers’ activities. Meetings of Equatorial Energia board of directors may be called by the chairman of the board of directors or the majority of its members, and may be called without notice upon presence of all members in office. Board resolutions are passed by the vote of a majority of its members.

The Company’s bylaws provide for a minimum number of five members and the maximum number of nine members for its board of directors. Members of Equatorial Energia board of directors are elected at the shareholders’ meeting for a period of two years, and reelection is allowed.

Under Brazilian corporation law, a member of the board of directors is prevented from voting in any meeting or from acting in any business operation or dealings where there is a conflict of interest with the Company.

Current structure of the Board

Election Date: April 28th, 2024

Carlos Augusto Leone Piani Independent Chairman of the Board
Mr. Piani is President of Modular Data Centers Industria, Comércio e Serviços and advisor to Equatorial Energia SA, Ambipar Participações e Empreendimentos SA and Hapvida Participações e Investimentos SA. Previously, he was CEO of HPX Corp (2020-2023), Global Head of Strategic Initiatives and M&A Team at Kraft Heinz (2019), President of Kraft Heinz Canada (2015-2018), President of PDG Realty (2012-2015 ), partner and co-responsible for the Private Equity area at Vinci Partners (2010-2015), President and Financial Director of Equatorial Energia and its subsidiaries (2004-2010) and Mergers and Acquisitions analyst and partner in the Illiquid Proprietary Investments area from Banco Pactual (1998-2004). Mr. Piani holds the title of CFA Charterholder from the CFA Institute and graduated in Business Administration from IBMEC-RJ and in Data Processing Technology from PUC-Rio, having also studied the OPM Program at Harvard Business School.
Guilherme Mexias Aché Independent Vice Chairman of the Board
Guilherme Mexias Aché, Vice-President of the Board of Directors – Mr. Aché is an economist and founding partner of Squadra Investimentos – Gestão de Recursos Ltda., acting as CEO and co-CIO of this company. Additionally, he serves as an Advisor to the Imaginarium Group. Mr. Aché was head of the corporate analysis area at Banco Pactual between 1993 and 1998, where he started as an analyst in 1991. From 1998 to 2007, he was one of the founding partners and director of JGP Gestão de Recursos, where he was the Portfolio Manager responsible for investments in shares, both in Brazil and in other emerging markets.
Eduardo Parente Menezes Board Member
Graduated in production engineering from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, with a master’s degree in business administration from New York University – NYU. He has been President of Yduqs Participações S.A. since 2018. Previously he was president of Companhia Siderúrgica do Pecém (CSP), Prumo Logística S.A. (controlling company of Porto do Açu) and MRS Logística S.A. Additionally, he was director of special projects at Vale S.A. and partner from McKinsey & Company. He was a member of the Board of Directors of Bradespar, CSP, VLI, among others, and a member of the Advisory Board of Alcoa Latam.
Paulo Jerônimo Bandeira de Mello Pedrosa Independent Board Member
Mechanical engineer with 37 years of experience in government (executive and legislative), business and academic areas in the energy field. He is President of Abrace-Energia, an association that represents large consumers. He is a Member of the Board of Equatorial Energia, the Advisory Board of EPE, an Energy Research Company, the E + Panel, the National Industry Forum of the CNI and the Board of Equatorial Energia. He coordinates the Coinfra-Fiesp energy GT. He presided over Abraceel – Brazilian Association of Energy Traders. He participated in the Councils of the National System Operator (ONS), Itaipu Binacional and the Light and Cemar Distributors. He was Director of Aneel, Executive Secretary of the Ministry of Mines and Energy and Interim Minister of State for Mines and Energy (MME).
Luiz Henrique de Moura Gonçalves Independent Board Member
Graduated in business administration from PUC RJ, with a specialization in finance from IBMEC, Wharton School of Business, Harvard Business School and Columbi a Business School Specialization in corporate governance from Harvard Business School Founding partner of Mar Asset Professional experience at Citibank N/A Bank Pactual JGP S/A and 3 G Capital in New York.
Tânia Sztamfater Chocolat Independent Board Member
Senior Director of the Active Equities Investments area for Latin America at the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board since May 2017 and Head of the São Paulo Office since December 2021 Previously, Tania was responsible for managing illiquid investments at Raiz Investimentos, and Director responsible for investments in Private Equity in Brazil by Capital Group She was an alternate member of the Board of Directors of STP (Sem Parar) Previously, Tania held several positions at banks Itaú and Unibanco, between 2004 and 2013 in the areas of Investment Banking, Private Banking and Equity Research She was Head of the Solution Partners area at Itau Private Bank, Executive Director at Itaú BBA, Director, Head and Senior Analyst in the consumer and retail sector in the Equity Research area at Unibanco, having also worked in the Investment Banking area at Banco JP Morgan Tania holds a degree in Production Engineering from the Polytechnic School of the University of São Paulo.
Tiago de Almeida Noel Independent Board Member
Mr Tiago Noel is responsible for investments in the electricity sector in the Opportunity funds, which he joined in 2020. He was a partner at the management company Athena Capital during the period from 2014 to 2020, having previously worked in the areas of risk, equity research and management of Modal Asset Management and strategic planning at Enel Brasil Bachelor in Economics from Universidade Federal Fluminense.

Equatorial Energia’s Board of Executive Officers

Equatorial Energia executive officers are the legal representatives of the company, responsible for the day-to-day management of its business and for implementing the resolutions of its board of directors.

Under Brazilian corporation law, each executive officer must be a resident in Brazil, and may or may not be a shareholder. In addition, up to a maximum of one third of the board of directors’ positions may be held by executive officers.

The Company’s bylaws provide for a minimum of two executive officers, including a chief executive officer and a chief financial officer. The remaining members elected as executive officers do not require any specific designation; all hold office for a period of one year and reelection is allowed.

Executive officers may be elected by the board of directors for a period of one year; reelection is allowed and executive officers may be removed from office at will by the Company’s board of directors.

Current structure of Equatorial Energia’s Board of Executive Officers

Election Date: May 15th, 2024

Augusto Miranda da Paz Junior Chief Executive Officer
Augusto Miranda da Paz Junior, Executive Officer – Mr. Miranda is Equatorial Maranhão CEO since April 2010. From 2007 to 2010 he was Vice President Officer of Operations and previously was CEMAR‘s Engineering Officer since July 2004. Mr.Miranda is an experienced executive with over 20 years in the energy sector. Before joining Equatorial Maranhão, Mr. Miranda has held several positions in the areas of Electric System Maintenance Management in COELBA being also representative of COELBA next to CCON. Mr. Miranda is an electrical engineer graduated from Federal University of Bahia, specializing in Maintenance Management promoted by Eletrobras alongside PUC/RJ and the Escola Federal de Engenharia de Itajubá/MG and MBA in Energy Business Management from FGV/SP.
Leonardo da Silva Lucas Tavares de Lima Chief Financial Officer and Investor Relations Officer
Leonardo da Silva Lucas Tavares de Lima, Executive Officer – Mr. Tavares de Lima is Equatorial Pará Chief Financial Officer (CFO) since November, 2012. Before that, he was Equatorial Maranhão CFO as from April, 2011 and October, 2012, having been Equatorial Maranhão Head Controller. He is working within Equatorial Group since 2005. Before joining Equatorial Maranhão, Leonardo worked at Telemar Norte Leste, ABN Amro, URB – Empresa de Urbanização de Recife and at Shell Brasil. Graduated at Civil Engineering by Universidade de Pernambuco, postgraduate at Production Management and MBA in Electric Energy Business Management, by FGV (Fundação Getúlio Vargas).
Tinn Freire Amado Executive Officer
Mr. Freire Amado has been Director of Regulatory Affairs at Cemar and Equatorial Energia since July 2006. As of November 2012, he also became Director of Regulatory Affairs at Celpa. He served as coordinator of the team responsible for readjusting and reviewing usage tariffs for electrical energy distribution systems of the Superintendence for Regulation of Distribution Services of the National Electric Energy Agency – ANEEL. He also worked as a regulatory specialist at CPFL Energia. He has a degree in Electrical Engineering from the Federal School of Engineering of Itajubá, with a master’s degree in Economics of Regulation and Competition Defense from UNB.
José Ailton Rodrigues Executive Officer
Mr. Rodrigues is a civil engineer with a Master’s degree in Energy Efficiency and Sustainability from UFMS. He has more than 23 years of experience in basic sanitation, with an emphasis on water and sewage. Working in the technical and executive area in full and administrative water and/or sewage concessions in the 5 regions of the country. In recent years, he served as executive director of a water and sewage concessionaire in a municipality with 850 thousand inhabitants, with an increase in EBITDA above 70% and a reduction in water loss to below 25%. Executive experience in transfers of control of water and/or sewage services, both from public control to private control and between private controls. Responsible for implementing the 1st sewage treatment unit in Brazil that uses the extended aeration system with intermittent cycles with high performance. Management of environmental and community relationship programs in water and sewage concessions for 125 municipalities.
José Silva Sobral Neto Executive Officer
José Silva Sobral Neto, 43 years old, Bachelor of Law, graduated from the Federal University of Maranhão, with a specialization in Tax Law from UNAMA MBA from FGV/RIO in Business Management in Electric Energy, Postgraduate in Business Law from Anhanguera Postgraduate in Law Tax at FGV/ Isan with Extension in Novo Marco do Saneamento Basico at PUC RIO Joined Equatorial Maranhão as an intern in 2004 He was Full Lawyer, Senior, Legal Coordinator, Legal Manager, Corporate Legal Manager, Legal Superintendent and, since 2020, responsible for the Legal Directorate , Compliance and as Data Protection Officer of the Equatorial Group In these roles, he acted as responsible for managing all of the Group’s litigation (civil, labor, tax and consumer), as well as legal consultant for the business areas (transmission, generation, services , marketing and sanitation) He is also Executive Director of the Group’s subsidiaries, notably Executive Director of Equatorial Piauí, Equatorial Goiás, CEEED Equatorial ( CEA Equatorial ( Equatorial Serviços, Equatorial Telecom, Enova Board Member of Equatorial Maranhão, Equatorial Transmissão Since 2006 he has also worked as Director of the Complementary Pension Foundation of the Equatorial Group EQTPrev with certification by the ICSS Institute for the Certification of Social Security Professionals, occupying the position of President of the Deliberative Council.
Humberto Luis Queiroz Nogueira Executive Officer
Humberto Luis Queiroz Nogueira, Director – Mr. Nogueira was elected Director of Equatorial Maranhão in August 2016 and of Equatorial in August 2017. Working in the Equatorial group since 2005, he was Supply and Logistics Manager at Equatorial Energia, Operations Manager at Cemar and SAP Project Manager. Before joining the group, he worked at Oi/Telemar from 1987 to 2005. Humberto graduated from UNIFACS. Humberto Luis Queiroz Nogueira, Director – Mr. Nogueira was elected Director of Equatorial Maranhão in August 2016 and of Equatorial in August 2017. Working in the Equatorial group since 2005, he was Supply and Logistics Manager at Equatorial Energia, Operations Manager at Cemar and SAP Project Manager. Before joining the group, he worked at Oi/Telemar from 1987 to 2005. Humberto is a graduate of UNIFACS.
Cristiano de Lima Logrado Executive Officer
Mr. Logrado, Mechanical Engineer, 48 years old, has been working in the Equatorial Energia group since Jan/2007 (15 years), having held the positions of Regulatory Affairs Manager at CEMAR (currently Equatorial Maranhão), Corporate Regulatory Affairs Manager, and Regulation Superintendent. The responsibilities, as superintendent, encompassed all the distributors of the group, the transmission segment and the new line of action in sanitation.
During 2006, he was technical advisor for Abraceel (Brazilian Association of Electric Energy Trading Agents). In the period Jul/2002 to Jan/2005 he worked in the Superintendence for Regulation of Electricity Commercialization – SRC of ANEEL.
Academic training began with a degree in Eng. Mechanics, followed by a master’s degree in Eng. Mechanics focusing on technical and economic analysis of generation systems based on gas turbines and combined cycles. Subsequently, there was a complementation in the form of a specialization course in the financial area (MBA in Financial Administration and Capital Markets – FGV Brasília), and more recently a new MBA (IDP, Brasília, conclusion in Jul/2022), now in the area of Data Science.
Maurício Alvares da Silva Velloso Ferreira Executive Officer
Mr. Ferreira is an electrical engineer graduated from the University of Brasília with a specialization in Financial Administration from Fundação Getúlio Vargas – FGV and a specialization in Telecommunications from the University of Brasília. He also holds a postgraduate degree (MBA) in Business Management from Fundação Dom Cabral. Before joining the group, he was working at Oi S.A. as Director. From 2015 to March 2017, he worked as commercial director at CEB Distribuição S.A and from March 2017 to January 2019, as general director. From 2012 to 2015, he was Director at Indra S.A. From 2010 to 2012, he worked at Contax S.A. From 2003 to 2010 he worked at Brasil Telecom S.A. From 2001 to 2002 he worked at Telemar S.A. From 1998 to 1999, he worked at Telebrasília Celular S.A. From 1994 to 1997, he worked at Telecomunicações Brasileiras S.A. – TELEBRAS.
Marcos Antônio Souza de Almeida Executive Officer
Marcos Antônio Souza de Almeida, Chief Executive Officer – Mr. Marcos Antônio Souza de Almeida served as Commercial Director of Equatorial Maranhão from 2008 to 2017. In 2017 he assumed the Commercial Directorate of Celpa and in 2018 was elected Chief Executive Officer of the Company. Mr. Marcos is an executive with more than 27 years in the electrical sector. Prior to joining Equatorial Maranhão, Mr. Marcos held several management positions in the commercial, administrative and customer service areas of COELBA. He was also a member of the Coelba Foundation for Complementary Social Security – Faelba. Mr. Marcos is an accountant graduated from the State University of Feira de Santana – UEFS and Master in Regulation of the Energy Industry by Salvador University – UNIFACS.
Bruno Cavalcanti Coelho Executive Officer
Mr. Bruno Coelho stands out for his solid experience in the area and in recent years he played several roles in the People Management structure at the Neoenergia Group, where he worked from 2006 to 2021, having held the position of Director of Human Resources and H&S between 2019 and 2021. Graduated in Business Administration from the Catholic University of Pernambuco – UNICAP, has an Executive Business MBA from Fundação Dom Cabral – FDC and in Management Business by CEDEPE.

Equatorial Energia’s Fiscal Council

The Equatorial’s Fiscal Council is not a permanent body. Its main powers, responsibilities and functions are to audit and oversee the Equatorial’s management and review the Company’s financial statements. According to the Brazilian corporation law, the Fiscal Council is an independent management body from the Company and external auditors. Its main responsibilities consist of monitoring the acts performed by the management and assessing and giving opinions on the financial statements for the year.

The Fiscal Council is installed only by the request of shareholders in accordance with Brazilian corporation law. Otherwise, the Fiscal Council will be composed of at minimum three and at maximum five effective members and an equal number of alternates, elected by Annual Shareholders Meeting. Its effective and alternate members, shareholders or not, will be elected by Annual Shareholders Meeting that deliberates about its installation, determines the fees, in respect with the legal boundaries. When operating, the Fiscal Council has responsibilities and powers conferred by law. The minimum operating period of Fiscal Council will be ended in the first Annual Shareholders Meeting realized after its installation.

Current structure of Equatorial Energia’s Fiscal Council

Election Date: April 28th, 2024

Paulo Roberto Franceschi Fiscal Council Member
Paulo Roberto Franceschi, Fiscal Council. Mr. Paulo Roberto is partner of Audicontrol, Auditoria e Controle – an Independent Auditing and Consulting firm, since 1995. As a Senior Partner, his responsibilities are the strategic management of the business, technical responsibility over the jobs performed by the other partners and the general administration of the firm. He worked in International Audit for 18 years before creating Audicontrol. Also, he is part of the Fiscal Council of Bematech S.A. – a public held company – for 6 years, he is part Economic Council of Mitra Arquidiocese de Curitiba for 5 years and the Executive Council of a familial company for 5 years. Also, he was part of the Fiscal Council of a limited liability company that operates in the chemistry sector in 2008 and part of the Audit Committee, as assessor of the Council of Administration, of Positivo Informática – public held company, in 2007 and 2008. Mr. Paulo Roberto graduated in Economics in FAE Business School and Accounting in Fundação de Estudos Sociais do Paraná.
Vanderlei Dominguez da Rosa Fiscal Council Member
Vanderlei Dominguez da Rosa, Fiscal Council. Mr. Dominguez is graduated in Accounting Sciences by the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) and in extension courses in Capital Markets by the UFRGS and Expenses Accounting by Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (PUC-RS). He is also an executive-partner at HB Audit and his main role is to execute, review and manage the independent auditing works and is the technical responsible to CVM (Brazilian SEC). Fiscal Council member at Odontoprev, Sanepar, Tecnisa and Weg; and a Fiscal Council substitute member at Marcopolo, Padtec, Ideiasnet, Officer Distribuidora; In the last 5 years, has acted as Fiscal Council member at Triunfo, Equatorial Energia, Celpa, OSX, Tegma, Multiplus, MPX, Tupy and Marisol.
Saulo de Tarso Alves de Lara Fiscal Council Member
Saulo de Tarso Alves de Lara, Fiscal Council Member. Graduted in Business Administration (1979) in Fundação Getúlio Vargas. Concluded extension courses at IMD (International Management Development (1984) where he obtained his degree in Control and Finance. Mr. Lara started his career at Arthur Andersen where he acted as external auditor for 10 years. Between 1987 and 1996, worked in the construction segment, in the cement industry being responsible for the compliance and corporate control for the Brazilian and South American operations. In 1996, became CEO of Americana, in the packing business. In 1998, became Chief Planning and Controller Officer at Cyrela, where he worked until 2010, when he became Chief Controller Officer at PDG Realty. Since 2013, he is CFO at Greenwood Resource Brasil.
Claudia Luciana Ceccatto de Trotta Fiscal Council Member
Claudia Luciana de Trotta, Alternate Fiscal Council – Ms. Trotta graduated in Law from the Faculdade de Direito de Curitiba and specialized in Corporate Law from the Universidade Federal do Paraná. Ms. Trotta is currently a member of Trotta, Ceccatto Advogados Associados, law firm with specialized expertise in the areas of Corporate, Business, Foreign Investment, Business Contracts, Administrative Law and Competition, Environmental Law, Civil Law and Real Estate since 2013. Was also a member, for 18 years, of the Office Augusto Prolik – Advogados Associados, acting as a lawyer in the areas of Business Law, Corporate Law, Contracts and Foreign Investments. Ms. Trotta is also member of the Comissão de Sociedades de Advogados da Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil, Paraná Section since July 2013 and was an instructor of the Comissão de Seleção da Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil, from Paraná, from January 2005 to January 2007, responsible for the reportage of archiving processes of creation, modification and other corporate acts of law firms.
Ricardo Bertucci Fiscal Council Member
Ricardo Bertucci, Fiscal Council. Mr. Bertucci is graduated in Accounting Sciences by UFPR and post graduated in Controllership by FAE Business School. He is a partner at Audicontrol – Auditoria e Controle since 2011, being the senior partner responsible by the business management and technical responsability.
Maria Salete Garcia Pinheiro Fiscal Council Member
Admitted to PwC in 1995 as the first Brazilian audit partner. In addition to working as an audit partner during her career, she participated as an executive member of PwC in Brazil, responsible for the human resources area of ​​the Rio de Janeiro office from 1995 to 2000; from 2003 to 2008 she was appointed to lead the firm’s operations in the North and Northeast regions; from 2008 to 2018, returning to the Rio de Janeiro office, she worked as a partner responsible for the quality review of projects in the financial and energy services segments, as well as leading the expansion of business for private companies with a focus on family groups, aiming to prepare them for better access to obtaining credit and/or attracting investors.



Audit and Risk Management Committee

The Audit and Risk Management Committee is composed of until 3 (three) effective members elected by the Company’s Board of Directors and its scope is: to assist the Board of Directors in defining the quality standards for financial reporting and internal controls, as well as , assess the risks involved in accounting principles and their adequacy, proposing changes if necessary. It is also responsible for monitoring identified issues. Analyze and approve the risk management strategy of all the Companies directly or indirectly controlled by Equatorial Energia S.A. (“Equatorial Group”); Advising the Board of Directors on risk exposures and analyzing the level of risk within the Equatorial Group; Evaluate the effectiveness of the Equatorial Group’s risk management systems and reports to the Company’s Board of Directors; Identify risks arising from alternative strategies under the decision of the Board of Directors.


Tiago de Almeida Noel Member of the Audit and Risk Management Committee
Mr Tiago Noel is responsible for investments in the electricity sector in the Opportunity funds, which he joined in 2020. He was a partner at the management company Athena Capital during the period from 2014 to 2020, having previously worked in the areas of risk, equity research and management of Modal Asset Management and strategic planning at Enel Brasil Bachelor in Economics from Universidade Federal Fluminense.
Carlos Augusto Leone Piani Coordinator of the Audit and Risk Management Committee
Mr. Piani is President of Modular Data Centers Industria, Comércio e Serviços and advisor to Equatorial Energia SA, Ambipar Participações e Empreendimentos SA and Hapvida Participações e Investimentos SA. Previously, he was CEO of HPX Corp (2020-2023), Global Head of Strategic Initiatives and M&A Team at Kraft Heinz (2019), President of Kraft Heinz Canada (2015-2018), President of PDG Realty (2012-2015 ), partner and co-responsible for the Private Equity area at Vinci Partners (2010-2015), President and Financial Director of Equatorial Energia and its subsidiaries (2004-2010) and Mergers and Acquisitions analyst and partner in the Illiquid Proprietary Investments area from Banco Pactual (1998-2004). Mr. Piani holds the title of CFA Charterholder from the CFA Institute and graduated in Business Administration from IBMEC-RJ and in Data Processing Technology from PUC-Rio, having also studied the OPM Program at Harvard Business School.
João Alberto da Silva Neto Member of the Audit and Risk Management Committee
Founding Partner of Minerva Consultoria. With extensive experience in the auditing segment, having worked at KPMG from 1988 to 2019, he has experience in several areas business, having been responsible for auditing several companies in the Electric, Real Estate, Retail and Consumer Market sectors. In 2019, he became a member of the Audit, Risks and Hapvida Group Compliance and since 2020 he has been a member of the Audit, Risk and Compliance Committee of Triple Play Brasil Participações. He has a postgraduate degree in Management Accounting and a degree in Accounting, both from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, and specialization from Fundação Dom Cabral. He is certified as a Board Member by the IBGC, member of the Institute of Auditors Independents of Brazil ±IBRACON, and the Brazilian Institute of Financial Executives ±IBEF

Strategy and New Business Committee

The Strategy and New Business Committee is composed of until 5 (five) effective members elected by the Company’s Board of Directors and aims to evaluate, at the request of the Board of Directors, the development of studies for potential participation in new businesses, identifying possible risks , opportunities and approaches to be followed in negotiation.

Carlos Augusto Leone Piani Independent Member of the Strategy and New Business Committee
Mr. Piani is President of Modular Data Centers Industria, Comércio e Serviços and advisor to Equatorial Energia SA, Ambipar Participações e Empreendimentos SA and Hapvida Participações e Investimentos SA. Previously, he was CEO of HPX Corp (2020-2023), Global Head of Strategic Initiatives and M&A Team at Kraft Heinz (2019), President of Kraft Heinz Canada (2015-2018), President of PDG Realty (2012-2015 ), partner and co-responsible for the Private Equity area at Vinci Partners (2010-2015), President and Financial Director of Equatorial Energia and its subsidiaries (2004-2010) and Mergers and Acquisitions analyst and partner in the Illiquid Proprietary Investments area from Banco Pactual (1998-2004). Mr. Piani holds the title of CFA Charterholder from the CFA Institute and graduated in Business Administration from IBMEC-RJ and in Data Processing Technology from PUC-Rio, having also studied the OPM Program at Harvard Business School.
Luís Henrique de Moura Gonçalves Independent Member of the Strategy and New Business Committee
Graduated in business administration from PUC RJ, with a specialization in finance from IBMEC, Wharton School of Business, Harvard Business School and Columbi a Business School Specialization in corporate governance from Harvard Business School Founding partner of Mar Asset Professional experience at Citibank N/A Bank Pactual JGP S/A and 3 G Capital in New York.
Felipe Dutra Cançado Member of the Strategy and New Business Committee

Member of the Board of Directors of Echoenergia. – Board member since April 2022, Felipe Dutra has a degree in production engineering from UFRJ (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro) and is a founding partner of Squadra Investimentos Gestão de Recursos Ltda., an independent management company, responsible for managing investment funds in shares, incorporated in 2007.

Tiago de Almeida Noel Coordinator of the Strategy and New Business Committee
Mr Tiago Noel is responsible for investments in the electricity sector in the Opportunity funds, which he joined in 2020. He was a partner at the management company Athena Capital during the period from 2014 to 2020, having previously worked in the areas of risk, equity research and management of Modal Asset Management and strategic planning at Enel Brasil Bachelor in Economics from Universidade Federal Fluminense.

Governance and Sustainability Comittee

The People, Governance and Sustainability Committee is composed of until 3 (three) effective members elected by the Company’s Board of Directors and is responsible for: Definition and implementation of remuneration principles and policies, including topics related to fixed and variable remuneration and incentives for long term; evaluation of the President, review of the evaluation of his direct reports and annual appointment of talents for the Equatorial Group; nomination and recruitment of new Board members; coordination of the evaluation process of the Board and its Committees and of the corporate governance practices of the Equatorial Group; and review and discussion of the Equatorial Group’s environmental and social sustainability initiatives.

Carlos Augusto Leone Piani
Mr. Piani is President of Modular Data Centers Industria, Comércio e Serviços and advisor to Equatorial Energia SA, Ambipar Participações e Empreendimentos SA and Hapvida Participações e Investimentos SA. Previously, he was CEO of HPX Corp (2020-2023), Global Head of Strategic Initiatives and M&A Team at Kraft Heinz (2019), President of Kraft Heinz Canada (2015-2018), President of PDG Realty (2012-2015 ), partner and co-responsible for the Private Equity area at Vinci Partners (2010-2015), President and Financial Director of Equatorial Energia and its subsidiaries (2004-2010) and Mergers and Acquisitions analyst and partner in the Illiquid Proprietary Investments area from Banco Pactual (1998-2004). Mr. Piani holds the title of CFA Charterholder from the CFA Institute and graduated in Business Administration from IBMEC-RJ and in Data Processing Technology from PUC-Rio, having also studied the OPM Program at Harvard Business School.
Guilherme Mexias Aché
Guilherme Mexias Aché, Vice-President of the Board of Directors – Mr. Aché is an economist and founding partner of Squadra Investimentos – Gestão de Recursos Ltda., acting as CEO and co-CIO of this company. Additionally, he serves as an Advisor to the Imaginarium Group. Mr. Aché was head of the corporate analysis area at Banco Pactual between 1993 and 1998, where he started as an analyst in 1991. From 1998 to 2007, he was one of the founding partners and director of JGP Gestão de Recursos, where he was the Portfolio Manager responsible for investments in shares, both in Brazil and in other emerging markets.


Tânia Sztamfater Chocolat
Senior Director of the Active Equities Investments area for Latin America at the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board since May 2017 and Head of the São Paulo Office since December 2021 Previously, Tania was responsible for managing illiquid investments at Raiz Investimentos, and Director responsible for investments in Private Equity in Brazil by Capital Group She was an alternate member of the Board of Directors of STP (Sem Parar) Previously, Tania held several positions at banks Itaú and Unibanco, between 2004 and 2013 in the areas of Investment Banking, Private Banking and Equity Research She was Head of the Solution Partners area at Itau Private Bank, Executive Director at Itaú BBA, Director, Head and Senior Analyst in the consumer and retail sector in the Equity Research area at Unibanco, having also worked in the Investment Banking area at Banco JP Morgan Tania holds a degree in Production Engineering from the Polytechnic School of the University of São Paulo.
Last updated on July 23, 2024