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Statutory Management Committee

The Statutory Audit Committee is made up of 3 (three) effective members elected by the Company’s Board of Directors and its scope is to: assist the Board of Directors in defining the quality standards of financial reports and internal controls and also evaluate the risks involved in accounting principles and their adequacy, proposing changes if necessary. It is also responsible for monitoring identified problems. Analyze and approve the risk management strategy of all Companies directly or indirectly controlled by Equatorial. (“Equatorial Group”); Advise the Board of Directors on risk exposures and analyze the level of risk within the Equatoial Group; Evaluate the effectiveness of the Equatorial Group’s risk management systems and reports to the Company’s Board of Directors; Identify risks arising from alternative strategies decided by the Board of Directors.

Position Election Date Term of office
Carlos Augusto Leone Piani Coordinator of the Statuary Management Committee 05/08/2023 AGM 2024
Mr. Piani is the CEO of Modular Data Centers Industria, Comércio e Serviços and the current Chairman of the Board of Directors of Equatorial Energia S.A., member of the Board of Directors of Ambipar Participações e Empreendimentos S.A. and Hapvida Participações e Investimentos S.A. Previously, he was CEO of HPX Corp (2020-2023), global head of the strategic initiatives and M&A team at Kraft Heinz (2019), President of Kraft Heinz Canada (2015-2018), President of PDG Realty (2012-2015), partner and co-head of the Private Equity area at Vinci Partners (2010-2015), President and CFO of Equatorial Energia and its subsidiaries (2004-2010) and M&A analyst and partner of the Illiquid Proprietary Investments area at Banco Pactual (1998-2004). Mr. Piani holds the title of CFA Charterholder from the CFA Institute and graduated in Business Administration from IBMEC-RJ and in Data Processing Technology from PUC-Rio, having also completed the OPM Program at Harvard Business School.
João Alberto da Silva Neto Member of the Statuary Management Committee 05/08/2023 AGM 2024
Founding Partner of Minerva Consultoria. With extensive experience in the auditing segment, having worked at KPMG from 1988 to 2019, he has experience in several areas business, having been responsible for auditing several companies in the Electrical, Real Estate, Retail and Consumer Market sectors. In 2019 he became a member of the Audit, Risks and Compliance Committee of the Hapvida Group and since 2020 he has served as a member of the Audit, Risks and Compliance Committee of Triple Play Brasil Participações. He has a postgraduate degree in Management Accounting and a degree in Accounting, both from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, and a specialization from Fundação Dom Cabral. He is certified as a Counselor by IBGC, member of the Institute of Independent Auditors of Brazil ± IBRACON, and the Brazilian Institute of Financial Executives ± IBEF.
Tiago de Almeida Noel Member of the Statuary Management Committee 05/08/2023 AGM 2024
Mr Tiago Noel is responsible for investments in the electricity sector in the Opportunity funds, which he joined in 2020. He was a partner at the management company Athena Capital during the period from 2014 to 2020, having previously worked in the areas of risk, equity research and management of Modal Asset Management and strategic planning at Enel Brasil Bachelor in Economics from Universidade Federal Fluminense.

Strategy and New Business Committee

The Strategy and New Business Committee is made up of a maximum of 5 (five) effective members elected by the Company’s Board of Directors and its objective is to evaluate, at the request of the Board of Directors, the development of studies for potential participation in new businesses, identifying possible risks, opportunities and approaches to be followed in negotiation.

Position Election Date Term of office
Tiago de Almeida Noel Coordinator of the Strategy and New Business Committee 05/08/2023 AGM 2024
Mr Tiago Noel is responsible for investments in the electricity sector in the Opportunity funds, which he joined in 2020. He was a partner at the management company Athena Capital during the period from 2014 to 2020, having previously worked in the areas of risk, equity research and management of Modal Asset Management and strategic planning at Enel Brasil Bachelor in Economics from Universidade Federal Fluminense.
Luís Henrique de Moura Gonçalves Independent Member of the Strategy and New Business Committee 05/08/2023 AGM 2024
Graduated in business administration from PUC RJ, with a specialization in finance from IBMEC, Wharton School of Business, Harvard Business School and Columbi a Business School Specialization in corporate governance from Harvard Business School Founding partner of Mar Asset Professional experience at Citibank N/A Banco Pactual JGP S/A and 3 G Capital in New York.
Felipe Dutra Cançado Independent Member of the Strategy and New Business Committee 05/08/2023 AGM 2024
Member of the Board of Directors of Echoenergia. – Board member since April 2022, Felipe Dutra has a degree in production engineering from UFRJ (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro) and is a founding partner of Squadra Investimentos Gestão de Recursos Ltda., an independent management company, responsible for managing investment funds in shares, established in 2007. Responsible for covering the electricity sector since 2005. Was a member of the Board of Directors of CESP (2019-2022).
Carlos Augusto Leone Piani Independent Member of the Strategy and New Business Committee 05/08/2023 AGM 2023
Mr. Piani is President of Modular Data Centers Industria, Comércio e Serviços and advisor to Equatorial Energia SA, Ambipar Participações e Empreendimentos SA and Hapvida Participações e Investimentos SA. Previously, he was CEO of HPX Corp (2020-2023), Global Head of Strategic Initiatives and M&A Team at Kraft Heinz (2019), President of Kraft Heinz Canada (2015-2018), President of PDG Realty (2012-2015 ), partner and co-responsible for the Private Equity area at Vinci Partners (2010-2015), President and Chief Financial Officer of Equatorial Energia and its subsidiaries (2004-2010) and Mergers and Acquisitions analyst and partner in the Illiquid Proprietary Investments area of Banco Pactual (1998-2004). Mr. Piani holds the title of CFA Charterholder from the CFA Institute and graduated in Business Administration from IBMEC-RJ and in Data Processing Technology from PUC-Rio, having also studied the OPM Program at Harvard Business School.

People, Governance and Sustainability Committee

The People, Governance and Sustainability Committee is made up of a maximum of 3 (three) effective members elected by the Company’s Board of Directors and is responsible for: Defining and implementing remuneration principles and policies, including topics related to fixed, variable and long-term incentives; evaluation of the President, review of the evaluation of his direct subordinates and annual indication of talents from the Equatorial Group; appointment and recruitment of new Board members; coordination of the evaluation process of the Board and its Committees and the corporate governance practices of the Equatorial Group; and review and discussion of Grupo Equatorial’s environmental and social sustainability initiatives.
Position Election Date Term of office
Carlos Augusto Leone Piani Coordinator of the People and Sustainability Committee 05/08/2023 AGM 2024
Mr. Piani is President of Modular Data Centers Industria, Comércio e Serviços and advisor to Equatorial Energia SA, Ambipar Participações e Empreendimentos SA and Hapvida Participações e Investimentos SA. Previously, he was CEO of HPX Corp (2020-2023), Global Head of Strategic Initiatives and M&A Team at Kraft Heinz (2019), President of Kraft Heinz Canada (2015-2018), President of PDG Realty (2012-2015 ), partner and co-responsible for the Private Equity area at Vinci Partners (2010-2015), President and Chief Financial Officer of Equatorial Energia and its subsidiaries (2004-2010) and Mergers and Acquisitions analyst and partner in the Illiquid Proprietary Investments area of Banco Pactual (1998-2004). Mr. Piani holds the title of CFA Charterholder from the CFA Institute and graduated in Business Administration from IBMEC-RJ and in Data Processing Technology from PUC-Rio, having also studied the OPM Program at Harvard Business School.
Guilherme Mexias Aché Independent Member of the People and Sustainability Committee 05/08/2023 AGM 2024
Guilherme Mexias Aché, Vice-President of the Board of Directors – Mr. Aché is an economist and founding partner of Squadra Investimentos – Gestão de Recursos Ltda., acting as CEO and co-CIO of this company. Additionally, he serves as an Advisor to the Imaginarium Group. Mr. Aché was head of the corporate analysis area at Banco Pactual between 1993 and 1998, where he started as an analyst in 1991. From 1998 to 2007, he was one of the founding partners and director of JGP Gestão de Recursos, where he was the Portfolio Manager responsible for investments in shares, both in Brazil and in other emerging markets.
Tania Sztamfater Chocolat Independent Member of the People and Sustainability Committee 05/08/2023 AGM 2024
Senior Director of the Active Equities Investments area for Latin America at the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board since May 2017 and Head of the São Paulo Office since December 2021 Previously, Tania was responsible for managing illiquid investments at Raiz Investimentos, and Director responsible for investments in Private Equity in Brazil by Capital Group She was an alternate member of the Board of Directors of STP (Sem Parar) Previously, Tania held several positions at banks Itaú and Unibanco, between 2004 and 2013 in the areas of Investment Banking, Private Banking and Equity Research She was Head of the Solution Partners area at Itau Private Bank, Executive Director at Itaú BBA, Director, Head and Senior Analyst in the consumer and retail sector in the Equity Research area at Unibanco, having also worked in the Investment Banking area at Banco JP Morgan Tania She has a degree in Production Engineering from the Polytechnic School of the University of São Paulo.

Regulation and Innovation Committee

The Regulation and Innovation Committee is made up of a maximum of 5 (five) effective members elected by the Company’s Board of Directors and aims to monitor the evolution of regulation in the Company’s sectors of activity, evaluate and recommend policies and/or guidelines in accordance with current regulations, monitor regulatory topics and processes, especially those relating to tariff adjustments and reviews and concession renewals, and evaluate and monitor the Company’s innovation initiatives in light of current regulations and future changes.

Position Election Date Term of office
Paulo Jerônimo Bandeira de Mello Pedrosa Coordinator of the Regulation and Innovation Committee 05/08/2023 AGM 2024
Mechanical engineer with 37 years of experience in government (executive and legislative), business and academic areas in the energy field. He is President of Abrace – Energia, an association that represents large consumers. He is a Member of the Board of Equatorial Energia, the Advisory Board of EPE, an Energy Research Company, the E + Panel, the National Industry Forum of the CNI and the Board of Equatorial Energia. He coordinates the Coinfra – Fiesp energy GT. He presided over Abraceel – Brazilian Association of Energy Traders. He participated in the Councils of the National System Operator (ONS), Itaipu Binacional and the Light and Cemar Distributors. He was Director of Aneel, Executive Secretary of the Ministry of Mines and Energy and Interim Minister of State for Mines and Energy (MME).
Carlos Augusto Leone Piani Independent Member of the Regulation and Innovation Committee 05/08/2023 AGM 2024
Mr. Piani is President of Modular Data Centers Industria, Comércio e Serviços and advisor to Equatorial Energia SA, Ambipar Participações e Empreendimentos SA and Hapvida Participações e Investimentos SA. Previously, he was CEO of HPX Corp (2020-2023), Global Head of Strategic Initiatives and M&A Team at Kraft Heinz (2019), President of Kraft Heinz Canada (2015-2018), President of PDG Realty (2012-2015 ), partner and co-responsible for the Private Equity area at Vinci Partners (2010-2015), President and Chief Financial Officer of Equatorial Energia and its subsidiaries (2004-2010) and Mergers and Acquisitions analyst and partner in the Illiquid Proprietary Investments area of Banco Pactual (1998-2004). Mr. Piani holds the title of CFA Charterholder from the CFA Institute and graduated in Business Administration from IBMEC-RJ and in Data Processing Technology from PUC-Rio, having also studied the OPM Program at Harvard Business School.
Tiago de Almeida Noel Independent Member of the Regulation and Innovation Committee 05/08/2023 AGM 2024
Mr Tiago Noel is responsible for investments in the electricity sector in the Opportunity funds, which he joined in 2020. He was a partner at the management company Athena Capital during the period from 2014 to 2020, having previously worked in the areas of risk, equity research and management of Modal Asset Management and strategic planning at Enel Brasil Bachelor in Economics from Universidade Federal Fluminense.

Operacional Committee

The Operational Committee is composed of a maximum of 5 (five) effective members elected by the Company’s Board of Directors and its objective is to evaluate, at the request of the Board of Directors, review the business plan and consolidated annual budget of the Company and its subsidiaries, periodically evaluate the consolidated operational evolution of the Company and its subsidiaries, review, monitor and propose actions related to improving the quality and increasing the operational efficiency of the Company and its subsidiaries.

Position Election Date Term of office
Felipe Dutra Cançado Coordinator of the Operaional Commitee 05/08/2023 AGM 2024
Member of the Board of Directors of Echoenergia. – Member of the Board since April 2022, Felipe Dutra has a degree in production engineering from UFRJ (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro) and is a founding partner of Squadra Investimentos Gestão de Recursos Ltda., an independent management company responsible for managing equity investment funds, established in 2007. Responsible for covering the electricity sector since 2005. He was a member of the Board of Directors of CESP (2019-2022).
Eduardo Parente Menezes Independent Member of the Operaional Commitee 05/08/2023 AGM 2024
Graduated in production engineering from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, with a master's degree in business administration from New York University – NYU. He has been President of Yduqs Participações S.A. since 2018. Previously he was president of Companhia Siderúrgica do Pecém (CSP), Prumo Logística S.A. (controlling company of Porto do Açu) and MRS Logística S.A. Additionally, he was director of special projects at Vale S.A. and partner from McKinsey & Company. He was a member of the Board of Directors of Bradespar, CSP, VLI, among others, and a member of the Advisory Board of Alcoa Latam.
Carlos Augusto Leone Piani Independent Member of the Operaional Commitee 05/08/2023 AGM 2024
Mr. Piani is President of Modular Data Centers Industria, Comércio e Serviços and advisor to Equatorial Energia SA, Ambipar Participações e Empreendimentos SA and Hapvida Participações e Investimentos SA. Previously, he was CEO of HPX Corp (2020-2023), Global Head of Strategic Initiatives and M&A Team at Kraft Heinz (2019), President of Kraft Heinz Canada (2015-2018), President of PDG Realty (2012-2015 ), partner and co-responsible for the Private Equity area at Vinci Partners (2010-2015), President and Chief Financial Officer of Equatorial Energia and its subsidiaries (2004-2010) and Mergers and Acquisitions analyst and partner in the Illiquid Proprietary Investments area of Banco Pactual (1998-2004). Mr. Piani holds the title of CFA Charterholder from the CFA Institute and graduated in Business Administration from IBMEC-RJ and in Data Processing Technology from PUC-Rio, having also studied the OPM Program at Harvard Business School.
Tiago de Almeida Noel Independent Member of the Operaional Commitee 05/08/2023 AGM 2024
Mr Tiago Noel is responsible for investments in the electricity sector in the Opportunity funds, which he joined in 2020. He was a partner at the management company Athena Capital during the period from 2014 to 2020, having previously worked in the areas of risk, equity research and management of Modal Asset Management and strategic planning at Enel Brasil Bachelor in Economics from Universidade Federal Fluminense.